We are pleased to announce articles about the Airport Club or its partners. We have compiled an overview of the latest publications and articles in various media.

Media Mentions

Deutscher Fachverlag 4. May 2020 The Deutsche Fachverlag writes about the Re-Opening of the Airport Club Frankfurt thanks to the new hygiene-concept. Full article
Bildzeitung 4. May 2020 The Bildzeitung writes about the unique hygiene-concept at the Airport Club Frankfurt, making the Re-Opening of the Club from May 4th 2020 possible: “Damit gehört der Airport Club Frankfurt zu einem der ersten Unternehmen, das die Produktinnovation zum Schutz seiner … Continued
TOP MAGAZIN FRANKFURT 30. November 2018 Top Magazin Frankfurt writes about the Airport Club´s 30th anniversary celebrations. “Schon seit 30 Jahren zählt der Airport Club Frankfurt zu den bedeutendsten Businessclubs Europas. Um dies gebührend zu feiern, lud Airport Club-Geschäftsführer Roland Ross drei Tage lang zu diversen Veranstaltungen ins Airport Center. … Continued
Frankfurter Neue Presse 3. May 2018 The “Frankfurter Neue Presse” writes about the successful vernissage of the internationally renowned chinese artist Ren Rong: “Seit 30 Jahren gibt es den Airport-Club am Flughafen. Das gilt es gebührend zu feiern. Aus diesem Grund – und weil der Club … Continued
Financial Times Deutschland 3. January 2018 Time travelling to 2010: An article about the Airport Club Frankfurt in the meanwhile discontinued Financial Times Deutschland magazine. read article (download PDF)
The One Magazin 28. November 2017 The One Magazin wrote a detailed article about the Airport Club Frankfurt: read article (download PDF)
The Frequent Traveller 17. June 2017 The Frequent Traveller The Frequent Traveller reports about the Airport Club Frankfurt: read article (external link)