Retrospect: Exhibition

Previous exhibition at the Airport Club Frankfurt – Jörg Döring (JD)

The exhibition showcased Jörg Döring with a selection of new works, which were shown for the first time at the Airport Club Frankfurt. Born in 1965, he has been a freelance artist for 20 years. He lives and works in Meerbusch near Düsseldorf. His artistic work has been shown in more than 250 exhibitions and numerous special exhibitions all over the world. Dörings works are permanently held in 35-40 galleries in Europe, including Art Gallery Wiesbaden. In three decades, JD has developed an independent, vivid pictorial language with original references and views on the complex and complicated everyday world. His pictorial oeuvre is aesthetically pleasing and pleasurable, as well as with all the balancing and splendor of the works, in the depths ideationally and meaningfully charged. The blending and linking of different, pictorial disciplines create a complex mixture of material, technology, reflection, and ambiguity. In his studio, a 10-man team works with the artist in areas such as screen printing, graphics, frames, and organization.

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